MCU for Motor Control
- BLDC motor for various applications
- Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for various applications
VS4111SOC deliver precise motor control for a variety of industrial and home applications. This Soc embedded with MCU supports a wide range of motor control techniques, from basic Brushless DC (BLDC) 6-step scalar control for fans and simple industrial setups to highly advanced sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) for more complex systems. With built-in support for sensored feedback for positioning applications.

- 2x 16b 10Msps SAR ADC with 8x1 MUX
- Temperature Sensor ±0.5DegC
- 4x HS OPAMPs
- 7x General Purpose High Speed Comparator
- 2x 8x 32b PWM Timers with 5ns Resolution
- 2x Oversampling Digital Filters SINC/FIR
- 2x Digital comparator, 4x UART, 2x SPI/I2S, 4x I2C
- 2x 512KB FLASH, 128KB RAM

Device & EVB Ordering Information

Evaluation Board
Our weighing scale chip evaluation board is now available for testing and development, offering engineers and product designers a comprehensive platform to evaluate the precision and performance of our cutting-edge analog signal chain technology. This board is designed for seamless integration and is optimized for applications requiring high accuracy in weight measurement. Equipped with our advanced chip, it allows for real-world testing in various industrial and consumer environments. To order your evaluation board, please visit our website or contact our sales team for more information.